Ready To Drink (RTD) Cocktails

What is an RTD?

RTD stands for Ready-To-Drink cocktail premixes that are ready for consumption. RTDs have been a successful addition to the alcohol beverage industry in recent years, stemming from their ability to provide a premium RTD cocktail in a single-serve can. This innovation allows for a combination of convenience, consistent quality, and flavor varieties for the consumer while assisting with staff shortages and budgetary constraints for liquor-serving establishments.RTDs come in three different categories: malt-based, spirits-based, and wine-based.

When serving or consuming an RTD, servers and consumers alike need to understand how widely the alcohol by volume (abv) can range, depending on category and size. RTDs come in numerous can and bottle styles, containing abv ranges from 4% to 20%. Read the label to find out what you are drinking. Small containers do not mean low abv.


An important benefit to RTDs or pre-mixed cocktails is the potential to provide quality mixed drinks without being a mixologist or taking away from focusing on first-class customer service. RTDs also can help expand your drink menu, including mocktail options.

  • More Flavor Options
    • Customers enjoy having choices when they go out to a bar or restaurant.
    • Some like to order specialty drinks for special occasions to make for a more special night out.
    • RTDs provide the opportunity to select from many varieties, even non-alcoholic preferences, to have a fun and festive time.
  • No Experience Needed
    • Preparing cocktails can require a lot of time, knowledge, and skills, and they can be complicated to make. Not just anyone can pour a good cocktail.
    • RTDs can help by providing pre-made versions of cocktails, eliminating the need to have ingredients or their proportions exact.
    • Not only are the RTDs already prepared there isn’t any product waste while providing quality products in many varieties.
    • Other benefits:
      • Consistent abv for drinks
      • No overpouring
      • Reliable drink flavors

Everything In One Container

  • Making a cocktail often requires more than one type of alcohol. Understanding what kind and how to use each type of spirit requires experience and extra prep time for the ingredients. For example, a Long Island Iced Tea requires vodka, white rum, triple sec, tequila, and gin.
  • Not only do you need experience and a lengthy shopping list, but your establishment will need to plan for locations to store or display the alcohol and mixers.
  • RTDs are ready now and in one container; you provide the glass, ice, and perhaps some garnishes. Voila!

Future of RTDs

RTDs have splashed into the industry, providing new opportunities for businesses. So far, all signs point to the growth of this type of product as it continues to meet the needs of consumers. In addition to the product abv ranges from 4% to 20%, remember these potential innovative features of RTDs:

  • convenient
  • pre-mixed
  • alleviate staffing shortages
  • speed up serving times

Offering RTDs or pre-mixed cocktails and mocktails may allow the expansion of your business, save time, and provide efficient service and quality products for both drinkers and non-drinkers.

A promotional poster for Ready to Drink (RTD) alcoholic beverages, featuring images of cans and bottles with 'Check ABV' labels. Highlights include 'Spirits-based mixed cocktails', 'ABV: 4%-20%', 'Convenient', 'Popular', and advice to 'Read labels!' for low ABV in small containers.

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You can order Alcohol Responsibility Matters printables, legal drinking age signage, and more directly from the Montana Department of Revenue using our Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service Portal.