Alcohol Responsibility Matters Scholarship

2nd Annual Alcohol Responsibility Matters Scholarship Requirements and FAQs

Applications for the 2nd Annual Alcohol Responsibility Matters Scholarship have closed.

What is the purpose of the scholarships?

Montana’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Division (ABCD) is a member of the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) and received an alcohol education award from this organization. NABCA’s mission is to support member jurisdictions in their efforts to protect public health and safety and ensure responsible and efficient systems for beverage alcohol distribution and sales.

The original artwork designs will be used to promote the importance of responsible alcohol consumption across Montana. The artwork will have a consistent theme centered on Montana and the tagline “Alcohol Responsibility Matters” and the existing logo along with the student’s original artwork idea. ABCD hopes to provide community-centered messages reminding individuals 21 and over of the importance of being responsible when consuming alcohol. This will support the overall theme of Alcohol Responsibility Matters for Alcohol Awareness year-round.

ABCD chose high school seniors knowing most are under the age of 21. However, moving forward whether they are going to college or post-secondary institutions, there may be pressure to drink, and being on their own for the first time without their parent’s/guardian’s guidance.

ABCD will again award five, one-time, $2,000 scholarships for Montana seniors graduating high school in 2025 who come up with a design and write a brief paragraph (250 words maximum explaining design) to create posters, T-shirts, stickers or decals, coasters, billboards, etc. dedicated to the question: What does “Alcohol Responsibility Matters” mean to you and your community? To qualify, high school seniors will be required to be in good academic standing with their current institute of learning. If chosen, the funds will then be deposited with their school/apprentice program/certificate institute of higher learning.

How many scholarships are available?

Five, one-time, $2,000 scholarships.

What are the restrictions on the scholarships?

Must attend a Montana post-secondary school/apprentice program/certificate institute of higher learning after high school graduation (including students homeschooled).

What if I am not “artsy”?

This is an opportunity for all Montana high school seniors who are willing to take the time to create original artwork ideas and write a brief paragraph (250 words maximum explaining design) to create posters, T-shirts, stickers or decals, coasters, billboards, etc.

Students may draw something, create something in PowerPoint, Illustrator, Canva, InDesign, etc., and then (if chosen) ABCD will take the design/idea and work to create artwork. Original artwork may be manipulated to provide the best resolution. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT or other similar applications for essays or artwork will not be accepted.

Application Submission Process:

  1. The application form is available to complete and submit online or if unable, it can be submitted by mail before the deadline. The state of Montana state offices cannot accept Google Docs.
    If the document is too large, send an email to DORABCD-O& to notify ABCD of the issue and a state file transfer can be set up. If you are unable to access the online application form, contact Lisa Clayborn at 406-444-6457, Dacia English at 406-444-0728, or Kent Haab at 406-444-4307, to request a PDF version to be sent to you via mail.
  2. Incomplete Applications will not be considered.
  3. Applicants must be senior status in high school/home school in Montana for the 2024-2025 academic year to be considered. Students from other states or international students do not qualify.
  4. You must have your application validated by entering your validating official’s name and email address. This can be your high school counselor, a community-based organization staff member, or your county superintendent for homeschoolers.

The application must be received on or before midnight January 26, 2025.

Application Selection Process:

  1. Submissions will be reviewed by the Outreach & Education Unit for the following criteria:
    1. Submitted by the deadline
    2. Application is complete (including all information requested along with appropriate signatures)
    3. Applicants are qualified to apply
    4. Applicant shows/presents a theme centered on Montana and the tagline “Alcohol Responsibility Matters” along with the student’s original design showing what that statement means to them and their community
  2. All qualified applicants’ designs and paragraphs will be forwarded to an independent Scholarship Selection Committee
  3. The Scholarship Selection Committee will make the final choice of 5 applicants.
    1. Design includes:
      1. Montana based
      2. Tag Line Alcohol Responsibility Matters
    2. Appropriate appealing design with a short paragraph in 250 words maximum explaining the original artwork.


The applications will open on November 22, 2024, and close on January 26, 2025, by midnight.
No. This is a one-time scholarship intended for the academic year it is awarded. You must enroll in the fall of 2025.
The scholarship is applied directly to the student’s institution. Check with your financial aid office for more information or assistance.
You will be notified when the scholarship payments are issued to your institution. Recipients should follow up with the financial aid office to confirm funds have been applied. Notify the financial aid office that you will be receiving a scholarship upon enrollment. Note your account may have a balance until the start of the academic year until the scholarship is received.
If you transfer schools within Montana after the academic year begins, notify your financial aid offices at both schools to inform them of your transfer and confirm funds are transferred properly. If you transfer to a school outside of Montana, the scholarship does not transfer with you. You should notify the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of any transfer by emailing DORABCD-O& or by contacting Lisa Clayborn at 406-444-6457, Dacia English at 406-444-0728, or Kent Haab at 406-444-4307.
Contact the Outreach and Education Unit via email at DORABCD-O& ;or by contacting Lisa Clayborn at 406-444-6457, Dacia English at 406-444-0728, or Kent Haab at 406-444-4307.
Want to check out last year’s winners? View the 2024 Alcohol Responsibility Matters Scholarship winners and their submissions!