Standard Drink Size

What is a standard drink in the United States?

In the United States, one “standard” drink size (or one alcoholic drink equivalent) contains:

  • 14 grams or 0.6 fluid ounces (oz) of pure alcohol
  • 12 oz of beer (~ 5% alcohol)
  • 5 oz of wine (~12% alcohol)
  • 5 oz of distilled spirits (~40% alcohol)

What's in a drink?

The percentage of pure alcohol by volume (abv) varies within and across beverage types

  • Standard drink quantities can be helpful health guidelines
  • Not all drink quantities reflect the usual serving sizes
  • Check the label to see what the abv is and make a responsible choice
Beverage Alcohol Volume Serving Size Equivalent in Standard Drinks
Regular Beer 5% alc/vol 12 fl oz 1 drink
16 fl oz 1-1/3 drinks
22 fl oz 2 drinks
40 fl oz 3-1/3 drinks
Malt Liquor 7% alc/vol 12 fl oz 1-1/2 drinks
16 fl oz 2 drinks
22 fl oz 2-1/2 drinks
40 fl oz 4-1/2 drinks
Table Wine 12% alc/vol 750 ml (a regular wine bottle) 5 drinks
80-Proof Distilled Spirits 40% alc/vol a shot (1.5-oz glass/50-ml bottle) 1 drink
a mixed drink or cocktail 1 or more drinks
200 ml (a "half-pint") 4½ drinks
375 ml (a "pint" or "half bottle") 8½ drinks
750 ml (a "fifth") 17 drinks

If you drink another type of alcoholic beverage than listed above, you can still find out that beverage’s alcohol content by using the Rethinking Drinking Calculator to estimate the cocktail or container content, drink size, alcohol calories, alcohol spending calculator, and blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

The alcohol industry is ever-changing and new options are developed regularly. Stay up to date with information and be a responsible, knowledgeable drinker by knowing the percentage of pure alcohol in your drink (not just the type of drink) as well as the ounces of liquor (rather than just the amount of the drink).

An educational poster by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division on 'How Many Drinks Are You Really Having?' and 'What is a Standard Drink?'. It illustrates different alcoholic beverages and their drink equivalents.

Order your signage from us!

You can order Alcohol Responsibility Matters printables, legal drinking age signage, and more directly from the Montana Department of Revenue using our Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service Portal.