General License Information
The information on this page applies to all businesses applying for a cannabis license, regardless of license type.
- All business applications must be submitted through the TransAction Portal (TAP).
- Businesses may apply for and hold any combination of licenses.
- Licenses are granted for one year periods and must be renewed annually.
- Renewal applications are available 75 days before expiration. Renewals must be submitted 60 days in advance of expiration to allow for necessary inspection and processing. Extensions will not be granted.
- Each proposed location must undergo its own approval process.
- Each business type receives only one license but can have multiple sites associated with it.
- Every location must be applied for, inspected, and approved before beginning operation. For example, a business may apply for a dispensary license and multiple dispensary locations.
- All applications require a processing fee of 20% of the fee for the license(s) applied for. This processing fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application. Before approval, the remaining 80% of license fees must be submitted.
- We strongly recommend all documentation listed below is gathered prior to application to avoid denial resulting in the loss of the non-refundable 20% processing fee.
- All employees must have a valid Worker Permit prior to starting work.
- The information provided on this page is for your general information only. All business and tax situations are unique. For specific questions related to your business or tax situation, please contact your lawyer or tax advisor.
- The Department of Revenue cannot provide legal or tax advice.
- Please review the Montana Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act and related administrative rules prior to application. Understanding the law and rules is the responsibility of the applicant. Links are available below.
- Inspection requirements are available on the Inspection Checklist.
- Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.
Required Documents
Individuals applying for a business license must be a resident of Montana at application submission and for 1 year prior to requesting licensure.
Acceptable forms of documentation include:
- Montana driver’s license,
- Montana identification card, or
- Tribal identification card from a tribe within Montana.
Other forms of documentation will be considered on a case by case basis per the definition of a resident in ARM 42.39.102 (46).
Individuals applying for a business license, with at least a 5% financial interest or greater, must be age 21.
Acceptable form of documentation may include:
- Driver’s license,
- State or tribal identification card,
- Birth certificate, or
- Passport.
Individuals applying for a business license, with at least a 5% financial interest or greater, must submit fingerprints and have their background check complete. Fingerprints must be submitted every five years with name-based background checks performed in all other years.
Business applications must include proof the property owner will allow the business to operate at the proposed premises. If the business applicant owns the property, acceptable forms of documentation may include a deed, a title, mortgage paperwork, property tax information, or other similar documentation.
If the business applicant does not own the property (they rent, lease, etc.), then documentation of permission from the property owner must be submitted instead.
Please note this requirement is for each location where the business will operate. If a business will operate in multiple locations then documentation of ownership or permission must be submitted for each.
Business license applicants must provide a business organization chart showing the overall ownership structure for the business. This chart must include all entities, controlling beneficial owners, passive beneficial owners, financial interest holders, as well as all employees that make up the organization as defined in statute (16-12-102 and 16-12-203, MCA).
This chart must be updated any time a change in ownership or organization occurs.
All owners, financial interest holders, and managers must be disclosed for every business per statute 16-12-203, MCA. This form must be updated any time a change in ownership or organization occurs.
The applicant must provide proof that they have a source of funding from a suitable source.
Examples of possible unsuitability include a person:
- Whose prior financial or other activities or criminal record poses a threat to the public interest of the state;
- Poses a threat to the effective regulation and control of marijuana and marijuana products; or
- Creates a danger of illegal practices, methods, or activities in the conduct of the licensed business.
Each physical location on a business application must pass a building inspection by whichever authority has jurisdiction.
Documentation of passing this inspection is required.
Further information is available from the Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Building and Commercial Measurements Bureau.
Montana towns, cities, and counties have the option to enforce local building codes, all codes or in part.
The list of all certified local building code jurisdictions and certified building code inspectors for those areas that do not fall under the Montana Department of Labor and Industry can be found in the Montana Certified Local Government Program List (PDF, 56 KB).
Locations requesting licensure must first pass a fire inspection by whichever authority has jurisdiction. Documentation of passing this inspection is required.
Additional information, including forms and contact info, is available from the State Fire Marshall.
Some areas of Montana do not fall under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal for a fire inspection.
The Fire Inspection Certified Jurisdiction for those areas that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal can be found in the Fire Inspections Certified Jurisdictions List (PDF, 45.7 KB).
Locations requesting licensure must have documented approval from the local city, county, or both to operate in their jurisdiction.
Since this documentation is granted locally, the CCD does not have a form available.
Generally, this documentation will be an approved local business license, but this may vary by locality.
Forms and Resources
- TransAction Portal (TAP)
- Marijuana Regulation and Taxation (16-12, MCA)
- ARM 42.39 - Cannabis Control Program
- How to Apply for a New Marijuana Business License
- Relinquishment Request Guide
- Extension Request Guide
- Fingerprint and Background Check Instructions Privacy Act Statement
- Cannabis Cash Payments Instructions
- Property Owner Permission Form
- Business Structure Form
- Inspection Checklist
- Information Release Form
- Safety Tips
- Cannabis Control Division Mandatory Signs