Business & Income Taxes Division

Derek Bell, Division Administrator
Derek Bell
Division Administrator
Renee Lemon, Deputy Division Administrator
Renee Lemon
Deputy Division Administrator

The Business and Income Taxes (BIT) Division is committed to success through supporting equity and integrity in taxation through effective and uniform enforcement of Montana’s tax laws and providing effective and responsive service.

BIT is responsible for the administration, compliance, collection and valuation of approximately 30 tax types. These tax types include corporation income, individual income, withholding, combined oil and gas, coal severance, other natural resource taxes, cigarette, retail telecommunications, lodging facilities, other miscellaneous taxes, and industrial and centrally assessed property valuation.

The Administrative Team

The Administrative Team oversees the daily management of the division.

This group of staff consists of:

  • Division administrator
  • Management analysts
  • Management officer
  • Research Technicians
Nicole Harris, Management Officer
Nicole Harris
Management Officer

Analytics and Planning Program

The Analytics and Planning Program provides technical and project support for the division’s bureaus.
Logan Nordahl, Management Officer
Logan Nordahl
Program Manager

Income and Withholding Tax Bureau

The Income and Withholding Taxes Bureau is responsible for the daily management and compliance of individual, pass-through entity, and withholding taxes. The bureau works with individuals, pass-through entities, fiduciaries, and employers.

In total, the bureau manages more than 500,000 individual taxpayer accounts.

Five units make up the Income and Withholding Tax Bureau:

  • Compliance
  • Pass-through
  • Field Audit
  • Taxpayer Accounting
  • Withholding
Jake Ford, Bureau Chief
Jake Ford
Bureau Chief

Business Tax and Valuation Bureau

The Business Tax and Valuation Bureau is responsible for the daily management and compliance for the tax types associated with large taxpayer tax types. The bureau manages over 25 tax programs. The tax programs include corporate income, natural resources taxes, most of the state’s miscellaneous taxes, and valuation of centrally assessed and industrial property. A bureau chief, corporation tax unit manager, natural resource tax unit manager, miscellaneous tax unit manager, property valuation unit manager, auditors, and appraisers currently staff the bureau.

Four units make up the Business Tax and Valuation Bureau:

  • Natural Resources
  • Corporation Tax
  • Miscellaneous Tax
  • Utility and Industrial
Keith Broussard, Bureau Chief, Natural Resources and Corporate Taxes
Keith Broussard
Bureau Chief –
Natural Resources and Corporate Taxes
David Merrien, Bureau Chief, Audits and Passthrough
David Merrien
Bureau Chief –
Audits and Passthrough
Jason Lay, Bureau Chief, Business Taxes and Fees
Jason Lay
Bureau Chief –
Business Taxes and Fees