Adult-Use Marijuana – Retail Sales Limits

Personal possession limits are set at up to 1 (one) ounce of usable marijuana.

A retailer may not sell more than the following amounts to a recreational customer at any one (1) time:

  • No more than one (1) ounce
  • The Total Potential Psychoactive THC may not exceed 35%
  • No more than 10 milligrams THC per serving and 100 milligrams THC per package
  • There is a manufacturing variance of ± 10% allowed
  • No more than 100 milligrams delta-9 per capsule and no more than 800 milligrams in a single package
  • There is a manufacturing variance of ± 10% allowed
  • A concentration of no more than 6% THC and no more than 800 milligrams in a single package
  • No more than 100 milligrams per patch/suppository and no more than 800 milligrams in a single package
  • No more than 800 milligrams of delta-9 in a single package
  • This includes Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)