Physician Information
When a patient is applying to become a registered cardholder, they must submit a Physician’s Statement for a Debilitating Medical Condition or a Physician’s Statement for a Debilitating Medical Condition for a Minor. This form must be submitted with your application within 60 days of the date it was signed.
Cannabis Control Division does not offer advice or maintain a list of specific physicians for completing this process. The written certification may be signed by any Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) physician licensed in Montana. Minor applicants must have a second physician sign their form unless the first physician is an oncologist, neurologist, or epileptologist.
The treating or referral physician must confirm they have assumed primary responsibility for providing management and routine care of the patient’s debilitating medical condition.
If a cardholder submits a Petition for Exception to the Monthly Purchase Limits, it must be signed by the same physician that signed the cardholder’s written certification.