April 12: Identifying a Licensed Marijuana Business

A licensed marijuana business must be approved by the Cannabis Control Division (CCD). Approval is obtained by application to the division, followed by licensing and inspection. The licensed marijuana business must test their products and follow the laws and rules established by the state of Montana.

How do you know if a business is licensed?

Icon of a worker ID badge

Employees are required to wear their department-issued worker permits 

Worker permits must be worn in a way that is clearly visible to the customer.

Icon of a business license certificate with a ribbon at the bottom.

Licensed businesses are issued a certificate from the state showing that they have been approved and inspected. This certificate should be visibly posted in the dispensary.

CCD also provides a list of all licensed businesses on our website. Prior to going to a dispensary, you can look up your location and which businesses are licensed in the state. If you cannot find the business you plan to shop at, you may call the CCD at (406) 444-0596 or email us at DORCCD@mt.gov

Icon depicting a crossed-out circle with the word 'NO' in the center.

Licensed businesses may not provide free marijuana to customers. 

If you see a business offering free marijuana giveaways for 4/20, they may not be a licensed business. A licensed business is permitted to offer free apparel and paraphernalia as giveaways.

Icon of a clock
Licensed marijuana businesses may only operate between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.