Alcoholic Beverage Reports
Resources provided by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, including the Enterprise Fund Report, Licensing Booklets, and Fact Sheets.
Biennial Reports
The Biennial Report provides detailed information on the duties carried out by the Montana Department of Revenue. We provide the report to the governor and state legislature every other year, as required in 15-1-205, MCA.
Capitalization Rate Studies
We use the capitalization rate for each industry to determine the Centrally Assessed property values for companies in that industry.
Each year, we complete a Capitalization Rate Study to develop the capitalization rate of each industry.
Compliance Fiscal Year End Reports
The Compliance Fiscal Year End report summarizes the actions taken by the Business and Income Tax Division to ensure tax compliance and measures their success.
County Oil and Gas Reports
County Oil and Gas Reports breakdown the distribution of oil and gas taxes.
Entitlement Share Payments
Entitlement Share Payment reports breakdown payments made to local governments and school districts.
Personal Property Depreciation Schedules and Trend Tables
We use the Personal Property Depreciation Schedules and Trend Tables to value taxable tangible personal property.
Property Reappraisal Plan and Manuals
Property Reappraisal Plans and Manuals explain how the Property Assessment Division performs property appraisal.
Revenue Monitoring Reports
The Revenue Monitoring Report shows a month-by-month record of revenue generated by the various programs, taxes, and fees administered by the Montana Department of Revenue.
State and Tribal Tax Agreements
Tax agreements made between the State of Montana and tribal governments.
Tax Policy Research Reports
In addition to providing research for our state legislature and administration and the Biennial Report, our Tax Policy and Research office also provides information on state taxes, policy decisions, and economic trends.
Legislative Reports
Reports written by the department summarizing the impact of previous legislative sessions.