Cannabis Control Division January Newsletter

  • January 18 2022
Happy New Year from the Cannabis Control Division (CCD)! Thank you all for a successful transition into the adult-use market. We appreciate your patience with us as we move forward. As always, please feel free to contact the CCD with any questions or concerns.
Official Cannabis Control Division Logo

Upcoming Round Table Discussion

The CCD will be hosting a round table discussion. We value your ideas and thoughts and want to continue to have open communication with the industry. We ask that you submit topics to discuss in advance by February 1. The official date and time for the round table discussion will be announced soon.

Submit Topics


External Incoming Transfer Manifest

For providers wanting to add seeds to their cultivations, an “External Incoming Transfer Manifest” is required from METRC. Providers will need to open up an external transfer. Certain requirements will need to be met in order to do so.


Letters from CCD

We apologize for inconsistency in letters you may be receiving. Our team is working on cleaning up the language to match the current statute. The issue should be resolved within the next two weeks.


Clones Update

Clones will now need to be created under the “vegetative tab” instead of the “immature” tab. Please note that a source plan is required.


Building and Fire Codes Reminder

Every single premise is required to have an approval from building and fire codes, along with documentation that local requirements are met or that there are no local requirements from the county or city.

As a reminder, the compliance requirements for fire and building code regulations will be addressed at your next renewal.


Region Changes

There have been a change in regions and you may see different inspectors at your business. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out directly to your regional inspector.

Important Reminders

  • Renewal applications should be submitted 60 days in advance; we will not complete an inspection until an application is submitted.
  • Licensees are required to resubmit their fingerprints in order to receive a worker permit by March 31.
