In this month's newsletter, learn more about the following:
- Synthetic cannabinoids prohibited
- Updated regional inspectors list
- Paying for fees and taxes with cash
- Major food allergen update
- Universal marijuana symbol requirements
In this month's newsletter, learn more about the following:
Per ARM 42.39.401 (14):
A marijuana manufacturer licensee may not treat or otherwise alter a marijuana product with any synthetic cannabinoid additive, including Delta-8, that would increase potency, toxicity, or addictive potential.
If you are selling a product and are unsure if it contains synthetic cannabinoid additives, licensees are advised to contact the manufacturer for additional information.
The regional inspectors list has been updated with all current inspectors and their contact information.
Are you a provider planning to pay your licensing fees and/or taxes with cash? Please review the Cannabis Cash Payment Instructions for guidance on how to do so.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added sesame to their list of major food allergens. The current major food allergens are:
If you are a provider selling any manufactured products that includes sesame, we encourage you to post signage that products may contain this potential allergen. Going forward, any new label submissions for ingestible products that contain sesame, must list it in the allergen statement.
Per ARM 42.39.314 (3):
The universal symbol:
(i) shall be at least .33 inches wide and .33 inches high;
(ii) may be downloaded from the department’s website; and
(iii) shall be in the following form:
The universal symbol is required to be on all marijuana and marijuana products must be printed in color or affixed with a color sticker. It cannot be colored in.
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Tags: Cannabis Control