In this month's newsletter, learn more about the following:
- Industry Trade Shows
- Concentrates Manufactured after May 22, 2023
- Renewals Must be Submitted 60 days in Advance
- Ceased Licenses Cannot Submit a Renewal
- Advertising Prohibited
- Cannabis Tax and Discounts
- Viewing Submitted Packages and Labels
- Providers: Informational Page for Metrc now on Department Website
Industry Trade Shows
Licensees are prohibited from transporting marijuana and marijuana products to cannabis industry trade shows. Additionally, licensees are prohibited from offering discounts or free samples at these events.
Examples of approved items for tradeshows include the use of informational pamphlets for dissemination at marijuana trade conferences and/or the use or distribution of business cards and merchandise (t-shirts, stickers, paraphernalia, etc.), per ARM 42.39.123(10).
Concentrates Manufactured after May 22, 2023
The grace period to sell concentrates applies only to concentrates that were manufactured prior to the passage of House Bill 128. Any concentrates that are intended for smoking or vaping, exceed 800 milligrams of delta-9 THC, and were manufactured after May 22, 2023, can only be sold to medical cardholders with a medical only label.
The grace period was only for the supply of concentrates currently in the market at the time of the passage of House Bill 128.
Renewals Must be Submitted 60 days in Advance
Cannabis business license renewals must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the license's expiration date. Renewal applications become available in your TAP account 75 days prior to expiration date but must be submitted for review no later than 60 days before your license expiration date.
Even if you are waiting for necessary documents, you should still submit your application. You must provide a reason for any missing documents.
If a renewal application is not submitted 60 days prior to your expiration date, you risk losing access to Metrc and must cease operations until your application is complete. Extension requests may not be approved if your renewal was submitted after the 60-day advance requirement.
Ceased Licenses Cannot Submit a Renewal
If your license has expired and a renewal application has not been submitted, the ability to submit a renewal application will not be available.
Any renewal application that was saved under draft submissions will send an error message, notifying you that due to the application being submitted after the expiration date, the license has ceased as well as the ability to apply to renew the license.
If you are experiencing issues submitting your renewal application, contact the CCD right away.
Advertising Prohibited
Per ARM 42.39.123, "A licensee may promote its business and market its brand but may not advertise marijuana or marijuana products except in electronic advertising."
Advertising includes any reference to marijuana products. Examples of referencing products include discounts, quality of products, vapes, edibles, best selection in town, etc.
When branding your business avoid any potential reference to products. If you are unsure, feel free to submit your branding to for review.
Cannabis Tax and Discounts
Cannabis tax is applied upon the gross retail price of a product. If you discount products for customers, you are still required to pay tax on the original price.
For frequently asked questions (FAQs) on cannabis taxes, please visit this link.
For your cannabis-tax related questions, you may also contact the Miscellaneous Tax Department by phone at: 406-444-6900 or by email at:
Viewing Submitted Packages and Labels
You can view the files submitted by you in the packaging and labeling applications via your TAP account. The link below offers a guide to assist you in viewing those files. However, you will only be able access submissions that are pending or approved. Denied submissions are removed from TAP upon denial of the application.
Also, you will only be able to see up to four files in TAP. If you submitted more than four files, please keep a record of those files for yourself.
As a best practice, save all the images submitted for packaging and labeling to be referenced if you are denied or if you submitted more than four files.
Providers: Informational Page for Metrc now on Department Website
This resource page includes:
- Metrc contact information & hours of operation
- The Montana Metrc Website
- Metrc's JOURNEY training
- Metrc connect (API Integration)