Cannabis Control Division November Newsletter

  • December 04 2023

In this month’s newsletter, learn more about the following:

  • Acceptable Video Formatting
  • Dispensaries May Sell Gift Cards
  • CCD Moodle Accounts for Workers
  • Changes in the Fingerprint Requirements
  • Employees and Metrc
  • Minor Cardholders: New Prohibitions

Acceptable Security Video Formats

The Cannabis Control Division can accept only the following video formats from licensee security surveillance systems:

  • Windows Media Formats (.asf, .wma, .wmv, .wm)
  • Audio Visual Interleave (.avi)
  • Moving Pictures Experts Group (.mpg, .mpeg, .m1v, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .mpe, .m3u)
  • MP4 Video file (.mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3g2, .3gp2, .3gp, .3gpp)

Please submit all video files through the Montana File Transfer Service. For instructions on how to submit these files, click the link below.

Dispensaries May Sell Gift Cards

Dispensaries are permitted to offer gift cards or gift certificates for sale. Happy holidays!

CCD Moodle Accounts

All individuals working in the regulated marijuana industry are required to take annual education on the Rules and Regulation of Legal Sales of Marijuana in Montana and Identifying, Preventing, and Reporting Human trafficking per §16-12-226 (3)(c).

These education courses are offered via CCD Moodle. Please note that CCD Moodle accounts are specific to one (1) individual. Individuals may not share Moodle accounts at any time.

For more information about the general requirements for marijuana workers, please visit this link.

Changes in the Fingerprint Requirements

Effective October 1st, 2023, per Montana House Bill 128:

  • Fingerprints are no longer required for any regular marijuana worker permit application. This does not include business owners or individuals working in testing laboratories.
  • The department shall obtain fingerprints from a person designated by the applicant as responsible for operating the licensed establishment on behalf of the licensee.

To read the Cannabis Control Division’s Legislative Changes Summary for 2023, please visit this link.

Employees and Metrc

All employees must be entered into the Metrc system, even if they do not use Metrc in their job duties.

Minor Cardholders

Effective October 1st, 2023, per Montana House Bill 128:

  • Minors will use only marijuana products intended for use by a means other than smoking and will not smoke marijuana or marijuana products.
  • Cardholders ages 18-20 may purchase smokable marijuana and marijuana products with a valid Montana medical card.

More questions?

Tags: Cannabis Control