Statement of Deficiencies Response Form Now on TAP

  • February 24 2023

Cannabis licensees should note that the Statement of Deficiencies Response form is now available for submission on the TransAction Portal (TAP).

As of February 23, 2023, you will be required to utilize the new Statement of Deficiencies Response form available to you within your Cannabis License when logged into TAP.

Statement of Deficiencies Response Process

  1. Receive Deficiency Report
  2. Log into TAP
  3. Select Submit a Statement of Deficiencies Response
  4. Input Letter ID listed on Deficiency Report
  5. Respond to each item
  6. Attach supporting documents as applicable
  7. Submit response

If you receive a Deficiency Report on or after February 23, 2023, you will be required to follow the new Statement of Deficiencies Response outlined above.

If you received a Deficiency Report prior to February 23, 2023, you will be required to follow the previous process by addressing each item individually on a Statement of Deficiencies Response form. The completed form must be submitted through the Submit Requested Documents link on TAP.

Please reference the How to Submit a Statement of Deficiencies Response Guide for additional information.

If you have any questions or need more information, please fee free to contact your Inspector or Education Specialist at (406) 444-0596.
