House Bill 701
As you are aware, the Montana legislature passed substantial changes to Montana’s existing marijuana laws through House Bill 701 and HB 249. Not only did the legislature transfer regulatory control over Montana’s Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) to the Department of Revenue (DOR) effective July 1, 2021, the Department will also be responsible for administering the adult-use program that commences January 1, 2022.
Some relevant sections of this bill include
- conducting background checks that involve different requirements
- licensing of marijuana transporters, cultivators, dispensaries, and combined use marijuana.
- detailing of requirements for the marijuana worker permit to include specific trainings.
- unlawful possession of marijuana, marijuana products, or marijuana paraphernalia in motor vehicle on highway.
- requirements regarding local building code and fire marshal compliance for licensure.
- other regulatory and registry requirements.
- selling restrictions of CBD.
The Medical Marijuana Program (MMP) moved from the Department of Public Health and Human Services to the Department of Revenue (DOR) effective 7/1/2021 (HB701 Section 78 (5) (Mont. Code Ann. § 50-46-302(5)) The program will now be known as the Cannabis Control Division.
As part of the move to DOR, the MMP website, physical office location, and some contact information will also change. The current website will direct to the new website. Please update your own links or bookmarks accordingly.