Department of Revenue Launches Simplification Hub Website and Releases Draft 2024 Montana Form 2

April 05, 2024

Legislation to simplify Montana’s tax laws went into effect on January 1, 2024. It significantly alters Montana’s individual income tax system by making changes to filing statuses, tax brackets, and the calculation of Montana taxable income. The department has created a hub on our home page with information about the new law, including resources and commonly asked questions.

In addition to our new webpage, the department has redesigned the Individual Income Tax Form (Form 2) to implement the new law. We are releasing a final draft of Form 2 early to request public comment about the changes to the form, along with a description of the changes that includes instructions for those lines that will require additional calculations.

You may submit comments here. Please direct comments to the contents and layout of the form only. We appreciate feedback from all Montana taxpayers and preparers. However, we cannot respond to all comments due to the high volume we expect to receive, but we will review each message.

Comments will be accepted through April 30, 2024.