Forest Land Taxation Advisory Committee

The Forest Land Taxation Advisory Committee must be appointed and convened no later than July 1 of the year that is two years prior to the first year of the reappraisal cycle. The terms of the members expire on June 30 of the first year of each reappraisal cycle.

The committee has nine members:

  • Four forestry experts appointed by the majority and minority leaders from the state Senate and House of Representatives.
  • Two industrial forest landowners appointed by the governor.
  • Two nonindustrial forest landowners appointed by the governor.
  • A county commissioner appointed by the governor.

The 2021 Montana Legislature amended 15-44-103, MCA, under Senate Bill 262. The section outlines the committee’s specific roles and responsibilities.

Committee Members

Forest Land Taxation Advisory Committee Members
Member Qualification Mailing Address Phone Number Email
Gordy Sanders Industrial Forest Landowner P. O. Box 549
Seeley Lake, MT 59868
Office: 406-677-2201 ext. 26
Cell: (406) 239-3145
Paul McKenzie Industrial Forest Landowner 2104 Barnett Rd
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
(406) 253-0764
Randy Mannix Nonindustrial Forest Landowner P.O. Box 88
Helmville, MT 59843
(406) 793-5834
Nancy Mehaffie Nonindustrial Forest Landowner 18 Farrenkopf Ln
Thompson Falls, MT 59873
(520) 609-2214
Greg Chilcott County Commissioner 346 Valley View
Stevensville, MT 59870
(406) 240-9844
Senator Mike Cuffe Expertise in Forest Matters P.O. Box 1685
Eureka, MT 59917
(406) 293-1247
Senator Pat Flowers Expertise in Forest Matters 11832 Gee Norman Rd
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406) 580-0035
Senator Becky Beard Expertise in Forest Matters P.O. Box 85
Elliston, MT 59728
(406) 492-6590
Representative Marilyn Marler Expertise in Forest Matters 1750 S. 8th St W.
Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 544-7189

Learn About Forest Land Classification and Valuation