Cardholder Information

Registered cardholders are eligible to purchase marijuana at any licensed dispensary in Montana.

Medical marijuana is taxed by the state at 4%. Counties may enact local-option marijuana excise taxes of up to 3% on medical marijuana, adult use marijuana, or both.

Registered cardholders may purchase up to 1 ounce of flower per day and up to 5 ounces of flower per month. Petitions to increase the monthly limit to 8 ounces are available below.

Conversion formula for non-flower marijuana purchases:

1 ounce of marijuana flower is equal to

  • 800 mg of THC in marijuana-infused products including edibles; or
  • 8 grams or 8 mL of THC in marijuana concentrate.
  • Documents required for the application are available below.
  • Applications are available online through the TransAction Portal (TAP).
  • After submitting a new or renewal application, cardholder applicants will have access to a temporary card. This card can be printed from TAP. The applicant must have a physical copy of the temporary card for use.
  • Approved applicants will be issued a card for up to one year from the approval date, unless the physician has specified a shorter duration in their recommendation.
  • Applications must be submitted within 60 days of the date on the Physician Statement.
  • Payment can be made online via credit, debit, or ACH. Applicants can also mail in check or money orders, or deliver cash, check, or money order.

Mailing Address

Montana Department of Revenue
PO Box 5835
Helena, MT, 59604

Application Requirements

All applications must be completed through the TransAction Portal (TAP).

Documents Required for All Applications

  • The photo will be printed on the registry identification card.
  • Photos should resemble that of a driver’s license or passport photo and may not be enhanced or altered in any way.
  • The photo must be clear, in color and taken from the shoulders up.
  • The photo must be taken within the last six months which reflects the applicant’s current appearance.
  • The background of the photo must be plain, light colored, and free of clutter.
  • The individual must be directly facing the camera with a neutral facial expression or natural smile with eyes open.
  • No hats, bandanas, face masks, or sunglasses are allowed in the photo.
  • Individuals applying for a medical card must be a resident of Montana.
  • Acceptable forms of documentation may include Montana driver’s license, Montana state or tribal identification card, voter registration form, Montana hunting or fishing license, etc.
  • Individuals applying for a medical card must have a physician’s recommendation signed by a Montana licensed physician (Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy) within 60 days of application submission.
  • Minor applicants must use the Physician Statement for Minors form. Minor applications require the approval of two physicians, unless the minor’s treating physician or referral physician is an oncologist, neurologist, or epileptologist.

Physician Statement Forms:

Conditionally Required Documents

  • Minor applicants (under age 18) will need their guardians to provide documentation of legal guardianship.
  • Acceptable forms of documentation may include a birth certificate or a court document.

Consent to Fingerprint Form is only required for the legal guardian of a minor applicant who will cultivate marijuana for the minor.

Fingerprints must also be submitted to conduct an FBI background check.

Cardholders may petition the department to increase their default monthly purchase limit from 5 ounces to 8 ounces (or the equivalent in manufactured products). A petition for increased marijuana purchase limits must be signed by the same physician that signed the cardholder’s current Physician’s Statement

All applicants who will cultivate their own marijuana must either own the property or have written permission from the property owner where they will cultivate.

Applicants who own the property where they will cultivate must submit documentation of property ownership.

Acceptable forms of documentation may include:

  • Deed,
  • Title,
  • Mortgage paperwork,
  • Property tax information, etc.

All applicants who will cultivate their own marijuana must either own the property or have written permission from the property owner where they will cultivate.

Applicants who do not own the property where they will cultivate must submit proof of property owner permission to cultivate.

Cardholders may designate up to two individuals to make purchases of medical marijuana on their behalf. These designated purchasers may be added during initial application or upon subsequent annual renewal applications.

To make purchases on the cardholder’s behalf, the designated purchaser must be in possession of the medical card.

Designated purchasers must be at least 21 years of age.

Acceptable form of documentation include:

  • Driver’s license,
  • State or tribal identification card,
  • Birth certificate,
  • Passport, etc.

Cardholder Fees

All fees are for processing and are non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application.

New or renewal cardholder registration


Replacement card


Reporting Changes

Cardholders may submit updates an any time through the TransAction Portal (TAP).

These changes must be submitted to the department within ten days to avoid being revoked from the registry: (16-12-503, MCA)

  • Personal information
  • Name
  • Address
  • Mailing address
  • Cardholder’s treating or referral physician
  • Change in status of the cardholder’s debilitating medical condition