Cannabis Control

Beware - Crypto Currency Scam Targeting Licensed Cannabis Businesses

The caller identifies themselves as management and convinces an employee to remove all cash from tills or safes, some have been instructed to break into the safe in order to deposit the money into a crypto currency ATM. Please be aware the caller may spoof management’s phone number. Please remind all staff they could be directly targeted. The CCD recommends creating policies or SOPs regarding cash handling and safety protocols.

In addition, the Department of Revenue does not contact businesses to demand cash payment be made to an ATM or request cash be delivered to a person representing themselves as an employee. Should you receive such a request, please call the department at (406) 444-6900.

Rules Update:

MAR Notice No. 42.1071 – pertaining to revised sampling protocols and quality assurance testing requirements was adopted August 24, 2024.

Please note the upcoming implementation dates that do not fall on the date of adoption:

Implementation Dates

Artistic rendering of a cannabis council meeting with cannabis leaves and people around a table
Synthetic Advisory Council
The Synthetic Marijuana Products Advisory Council has begun its work.
A judge's gavel


Montana Cannabis Control Administrative Rules
Learn more about Montana's administrative rules for cannabis.

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Our mission is to ensure the health and safety of all Montanans through fair administration, education, and enforcement of the Montana Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MMRT).