Montana Unclaimed Property Portal

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About Us

Unclaimed property is money or items that someone has left in places like banks or companies without moving it or checking on it for a long time.

Examples include bank accounts, wage and payroll checks, gift cards, stocks and bonds, refunds, insurance payments, dividends, safety deposit box contents and more.

  1. Research: Every year, businesses look through their records to find any money or items that has been sitting with them with no owner activity. The businesses try their best to find the owner by sending them a letter to their last known address.
  2. Dormancy Period: The funds must remain with the businesses for a specified timeframe referred to as a ‘dormancy period’ to allow the owner to reach out to the business and reclaim their funds.
  3. Reporting to the State: When a business cannot find the owner and the dormancy period has passed, they are required to file a report and remit payment for the unclaimed property items.
  4. What the State Does: The Department of Revenue holds the unclaimed property in safekeeping until the owner or their heir(s) can be located.
  5. How to Claim Your Property: If you believe you have unclaimed property that we are holding, you can search for it on the TransAction Portal (TAP) and submit a claim.

The Montana Department of Revenue keeps your property safe until you’re ready to claim it. It’s easy to search and see if you have any unclaimed property waiting for you!

We can find owners of unclaimed property by comparing Department of Revenue tax records to unclaimed property records. We issue a claim letter to the owner, so they know the department is safely holding this property and give the opportunity to claim the funds.

You can complete the form by following the instructions on page 1 of the notice and return it to receive your unclaimed property funds in the form of a refund from the Department of Revenue.