- 2023 County and Statewide Tax Base and Tax Distribution Information
- 2024 Property Tax Townhall Recording
- Agricultural Land Valuation Committee
- Annual Property Tax Changes
- Certified Property Values and Mill Levies
- Field Office Locations
- Forest Land Taxation Advisory Committee
- Forms
- Land Classification Working Group
- Personal Property Depreciation Schedules and Trend Tables
- Property Appraisal Notices
- Property Classifications and Class Codes
- Property Inspections
- Property Inspections (downloadable PDF)
- Property.MT.gov
- Property Reappraisal Plan and Manuals
- Realty Transfer Certificates
- Special Mobile Equipment Permits
- Tax Increment Financing
Property Assessment
Property Valuation News
For the 2025-2026 property valuation cycle, all real property is valued as of January 1, 2024. Montana law specifically requires that all real property be valued on the same day every two years so that tax burdens are equally distributed among all taxpayers across the state. 15-7-111, MCA.
State law requires the department to value real and personal property at 100% of its market value, which is the value at which property would change hands between a willing buyer and willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts. 15-8-111, MCA. Agricultural and forest land are valued on the productive capacity per acre. 15-7-201, MCA and 15-44-103, MCA.